Village of Norridge
Home MenuStreet Paving
On a yearly basis, the Village of Norridge undertakes a Street Resurfacing Program designed to upgrade and meet the goal of maintaining all Village streets at or above the “good” level as defined by the North Central Council of Mayors street rating system.
Inclusion of specific street sections in the upcoming year’s Resurfacing Program is based upon an on-site inspection by the Public Works Department / Engineering staff, who make a preliminary evaluation for curb and gutter replacement. Reasons for curb replacement are storm water flow restriction, severe deterioration, or structural deficiencies.
When the bidding process is complete and a contractor is selected, the first step is the removal and replacement of selected curbs, driveway aprons, courtesy walks, and, in some cases, sidewalks. The contractor may take several weeks to complete all the concrete repair / replacement. The pouring of the new concrete is weather dependent.
Restoration at the curb is done after the concrete work is completed by an outside contractor (through a formal bid process) who backfills and either seeds or sods behind the curbs and where other concrete work was performed. This work is weather-dependent and could be done immediately after curb placement or any time until the end of the project.
The next step is the removal of the upper portions of the existing asphalt street surface. This is accomplished with a road grinder which removes the specified thickness of asphalt. After the grinding process, the next operation in the resurfacing is to perform patching of failed base course material, if any exists. After the base course repairs are made, a leveling course of new asphalt is placed on the street to smooth out any irregularities which exist or which were created by the grinding. Just before (usually twenty-four to forty-eight hours) the leveling course is placed, the contractor will post “Fresh Oil” signs and apply “oil” which provides adhesion between the old and new asphalt. The “oil” takes one-to-two hours to cure; and, after that time, it should not track up on vehicles.
The last step involves the placement of the final surface course of asphalt. During this phase of the resurfacing, the street may be difficult to drive through due to the presence of the paving crew, their machines and trucks. Finally, after all paving is completed, new pavement striping is done.